Frederick's of Hollywood


Description: ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS COLLECTION THE ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS COMPLETE COLLECTION! 1930'S, 1940'S, 1950'S AND 1960'S ON 8 DVD DISKS! 520+ HISTORIC CLASSIC NEWSREELS ON 8 DVD MOVIE DISKS!!! THE COMPLETE COLLECTION. SAVE OVER 20% IF BOUGHT SEPARATELY! THIS IS OUR COMPLETE UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS COLLECTION. THIS CONTAINS ALL DISKS FROM OUR INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL SETS. ALL BROUGHT TOGETHER ON 8 DVD DISKS. ALMOST 29 1/2 HOURS OF UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS FROM THE 1930'S, 1940'S, 1950'S AND 1960'S!!! PLAYABLE ON ANY HOME DVD PLAYER. ALL REGION, NTSC. In the pre-TV era, people saw the news every week in their neighborhood movie theaters. Newsreels were shown before every feature film and in dedicated newsreel theaters located in large cities. Universal Newsreel, produced from 1929 to 1967, was released twice a week. Each issue contained six or seven short stories, usually one to two minutes in length, covering world events, politics, sports, fashion, and whatever else might entertain the movie audience. These newsreels offer a fascinating and unique view of an era when motion pictures defined our culture and were a primary source of visual news reporting. JUST LOOK AT WHAT THIS COLLECTION HAS TO OFFER!!! THE 1930'S DISK. THE GREAT DEPRESSION, PROHIBITION AND THE START OF THE WAR IN IN EUROPE. THE 1930'S HAD IT ALL. SEE THE 1930'S AS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE! OVER 3 1/2 HOURS OF 1930'S NEWSREELS ON 1 DVD DISK. Hitlerites Parade In Rain To Demonstrate Great Nazi Strength 1933/03/16 "Berlin, Germany: An unprecedented display of power and organization by the Brown Shirted forces of the German Chancellor marks the final pre-election activities of the Social Democrats, with long columns of uniformed men in spirited procession down Unter den Linden from Brandenberg Gate to the Lustgarten, with Swastika banners fluttering over the Pretorian Guard the Storm Battalions that back up the new regime. Akron Disaster 1933/04/04 Navy dirigible Akron crashed in the ocean near the New Jersey coast April 4, 1933, during a storm. Only 3 survived out of a crew of 76 men. Stratosphere Balloon Falls, 1933/08/07 "Chicago, IL: Remarkable scenes on Soldier Field as Lieutenant T. G. W. Settle, USN, starts his projected flight into the upper regions of the atmosphere and hectic scenes in a nearby railroad yard following the big gas bag's crash due to a leaky valve." Light Tanks Show Their Prowess In Battle Maneuvers, 1938/11/02 (1) "Fort Meade, MD: Mechanical monsters of the 66th U. S. Infantry (Light Tanks) sweep everything before them as they advance through smoke and shell fire to the attack. A thrilling sight, from daylight to dark, as the 'battle wagons' roll along." (2) Seabiscuit Wins match Race - "Pimlico, MD: The horse racing classic of the Century! War Admiral, the favorite, is beaten by three lengths. Radio Station's 'Attack By Mars' Panics Thousands, 1938/10/31 (1) "New York, NY: Thousands of radio listeners throughout the U. S. are frightened into mass hysteria by a dramatization of H. G. Wells' old thriller, 'The War of the Worlds,' as staged by orson Welles, young actor-manager." sound of Orson Welles speaking at press conference. (2) King Visits Ill Youngsters - "London, England: Inmates at the Hospital for Sick Children in Great Ormond Street get a great thrill when King George and Queen Elizabeth visit the institution's new buildings and stay for... THE 1940'S DISK SET. ONE OF OUR MOST POPULAR COLLECTIONS. THIS AWESOME COLLECTION FROM THE UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS FROM THE 1940'S COVERS ONE OF THE MOST HISTORICAL PERIODS OF THE 20TH CENTURY. OVER 210+ NEWSREELS!!! ALMOST 15 HOURS OF NEWSREELS ON 4 DVD DISKS. Pres. Truman Warns Japs To Give Up, 1945/06/07 "In a speech to Congress, President states that Japan faces the same complete destruction that was visited upon Germany. To that end, millions of troops, and their implements of war, are being transferred more than half way around the earth. The President adds that though many key industries have already been leveled by U.S. air attack, all of Japan's industries will be completely destroyed unless Japan surrenders." Third Army blasts Nazi Strongholds, 1944/11/02 (1) 3rd Army blasts Nazi Strongholds - "Siege of Metz - Gen. Eisenhower visits Gen. Patton's American 3rd Army, on the battle lines at Metz. Tanks, mortars, bazookas, 155mm. artillery - all are used in battering at this Nazi location in the famed Siegfried Line." (2) Free Greeks Hail Allied Deliverance - "Athens Is Free - A British armada steams into the port of Athens, to be joined ashore by colorful bewhiskered Greek partisans... First Pictures Of Rome's Capture, 1944/06/15 "The Fortunes of War at Rome Beneath the century old Colliseum in Rome, the Nazis are shown triumphantly parading American and British prisoners, captured in the ferocious action at Anzio. Field Marshal Kesselring takes a good look southward through his field glasses, where the Allied drive is. A forced evacuation of Rome is ordered. Beneath the same century old Colliseum in Rome we see Allied heavy equipment rolling in, with General Mark Clark, the center of attention for all the cheering Romans. German Rocket Bomb, 1944/06/29 (1) "Germany's 'Secret' Weapon England: Here are the first motion pictures of the Nazi robot bomb, launched from the French coast and scattering death and destruction over a large section of southern England. Anti-aircraft fire brings the rocket bombs down as home defenses are tightened against this new menace." (2) The Allies Take Elba "Veteran French commandos and colonial troops supported by Americans... Eve of Battle, 1944/06/06 Eve of Battle "Universal Newsreel, in full co-operation with the War Department, presents official pictures of the final military preparations for the launching of D-Day. A host of nations engage in the huge task. The invasion, in truth, is a United Nation's effort." First Pictures Invasion of France, 1944/06/12 "The Greatest co-ordination of arms ever portrayed on any motion picture screen in the world. Every scene made during the greatest victory of Allied power, to date.) 11,000 Allied planes plant their tons of pulverizing bombs on shore installations, strategic roads and bridges, then swoop down to strafe enemy trains, ships and planes. In England, the daredevil paratroopers sail away to their designations and the air-borne troops follow in their gliders... THE 1950'S DISK SET. THE FABULOUS 50'S AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THEM. WATCH THE NEWSREELS OF THIS HISTORIC DECADE. THIS WAS THE DECADE OF OF THE COLD WAR AND THE FIRST SPACE EXPLORATION. 115+ NEWSREELS. OVER 5 1/2 HOURS OF NEWSREELS ON 2 DVD DISKS. Ike's Challenge, 1955/07/21 (1) Geneva summit conference - square table - Ike proposes Open Skies "a precedent-shattering proposal" to verify disarmament with aerial photographs (2) Morocco riots overrun Casablanca due to discontent with French rule (3) Russians visit Iowa farm, sundaes served in air-conditioned comfort (4) air show in Moscow, with new Bison bomber, helicopters (5) sports: Tour de France bike race; running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain. President. Foreign Students Hear Peace Hopes, 1955/07/15 (1) Ike speaks to foreign students at White House (some glitches in his voice) (2) Indo-China battle near Saigon between Diem's forces and enemies as "American training pays off" (3) Air Force Academy first graduating class - giant bombers fly over (4) Mt. Blanc cable car to highest point in Europe (5) sports: Sacramento Little League with heavyweight champ Max Baer as umpire (6) Ike at White House with guests for celebrity golf match (7) baseball All-Star game won by Stan Musial homerun. Storm Havoc. Hurricane Kills 43, Damage 15 Millions, 1955/08/15 (1) hurricane Connie hits Carolinas, much crop damage, veers north, sideswipes NY, floods in suburbs (2) Flying boxcars collide, 66 die in ?Germany (3) Korea demonstrations support Syngman Rhee who wants arms inspectors to leave the country, and U.S. troops use tear gas (4) 11 American fliers return to Travis AFB (5) sports: soapbox derby in Akron Ohio, at Derby Downs only used once a year for this event (6) college allstars vs Cleveland Browns football game. War or Peace? 1950 Fateful Year, 1950/12/21 1) Nationalist China seated in UN, Malek departed, absent when Korean War began (2) "Communism" - Berlin, France, Japan, Union Square in New York, spy Gubitchev deported (3) "Korea Invaded" - MacArthur, savage war of attrition on narrow beachhead, scores died, atrocities, rapidly narrowing perimeter, but 12 nations rallied, led by Canada, Inchon landing, air cover of B-29s dropping bombs, allies pushed north, "then, it happened" and UN armies forced into retreat, paid heavily in casualties. Satellite A Bust. Rocket Blows Up In First U.S, 1957/12/09 (1) Vanguard explodes during launch of Explorer satellite (2) British train accident due to London fog (3) Amsterdam aquarium has sea horse, coral fish, lobster, eel (4) town in Georgia is leveled by gas explosion, town of Villarica (5) new Dutch ramjet helicopter demonstrated, rotor tips flame at night, looking like flying saucer. THE 1960'S DISK. FROM JFK TO THE VIETNAM WAR, THE 60'S USHERED IN THE TRUE MODERN AGE AND BROUGHT GREAT CHANGES TO OUR COUNTRY AND TO THE WORLD. 95+ NEWSREELS. ALMOST 4 HOURS OF NEWSREELS ON 1 DVD DISK. Mid-East. Israeli-Egyptian Battle Erupts, 1967/06/06 (1) Mideast war develops from Gulf of Aqaba blockade; Arab socialists support Nasser in Cairo, Nasser signs pact with Hussein; Jordan tanks roll; chief-of-staff Rabin and officers (2) news in brief - 2 US helicopters make 1st nonstop transatlantic flight to Paris; world's largest jetliner DC-8 at Paris Air Show (3) Boston Roxbury riots, stores burn at night; 40 arrested (4) Vietnam - entire village evacuated from DMZ (5) Quemoy underground facilities manned by free Chinese. Peace March. Thousands Oppose Vietnam War, 1967/04/18 Antiwar demonstrators protest in Central Park, march to UN building, included students and hippies and priests and nuns, burn draft cards, shouted confrontations with anti-antiwar marchers, prowar signs, Martin Luther King leads procession; another march in downtown San Francisco down Market Street to stadium, sponsored by loose coalition of left-wing anti-war groups, "President Johnson meanwhile let it be known that the FBI is closely watching all anti-war activity." Anti-War Demonstrators Storm Pentagon, 1967/10/24 (1) Mass protest against Vietnam war in Washington DC, on mall, across Potomac river to Pentagon, MPs with bayonets emerge from Pentagon, tear gas used, next day camp fires burn on the 2nd day of sitting-in (2) new turbo-jet transport plane by Germany. Viet Sweep. Troops Take Cong Stronghold, 1967/02/28 (1) Operation Pershing by 1st Cavalry in South Vietnam, village burned, residents relocated, field hospital treats civilians (2) "Home From The Sea" - carrier USS Coral Sea returns from duty in Vietnam (3) News In Brief - LBJ signs 25th amendment; mercy ship Phoenix manned by Quaker pacifists sails from Japan; paper airplane contest; Christian Dior in Paris shows hats with African styles (4) Sports - first Canadian Winter Games at Quebec City feature skaters; Winter Motocross race in Czechoslovakia. Cease-Fire. Uneasy Truce In Mid-East, 1967/06/13 Six-Day Middle East war debated in UN in New York, Syrian delegate blames Israel, Soviet delegate Federenko, Israel delegate; "swift smashing and total" victory in mideast, prisoners taken, Old Jerusalem captured, drive into Syria, wounded, damaged tanks, "efficient well-trained Israeli army"; UAR commander surrenders in Gaza strip; "Welcome to Bethlehem" sign, tanks enter Old Jerusalem, emotional moment, Dayan, soldiers marching. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE OVER 520+ HISTORICAL CLASSIC UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS INCLUDED HERE! YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS COLLECTION ANYWHERE ELSE OR FOR A LOWER PRICE!!! YOU WOULD EASILY PAY DOUBLE FROM OTHER SELLERS! WHILE THE OTHERS GIVE YOU A FRACTION OF THE CLIPS WE GIVE YOU 520+ UNIVERSAL 1930'S, 1940'S, 1950'S AND THE 1960'S NEWSREELS WITH ALMOST 29 1/2 HOURS OF VIDEO ENJOYMENT!!! TOTAL RUNTIME 1760 MINUTES. NTSC. DVD. ALL REGION. THIS IS AN 8 DVD VIDEO DISK TITLED THE ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS COMPLETE COLLECTION AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. THE DISK IS VIEWABLE ON YOUR HOME DVD PLAYER OR COMPUTER USING YOUR STANDARD WINDOWS OR MAC SOFTWARE FOR VIEWING DVD MOVIE VIDEOS. PLEASE VISIT OUR STORE FOR ALL THE NEWSREEL COLLECTIONS. WE HAVE THE 1930'S, 1940'S, 1950'S AND THE 1960'S. ALL ON DVD! OVER 520+ UNIVERSAL NEWSREELS. THIS IS A DVD TO THE HIGHEST QUALITY. DISK'S COME WITH NO FRILLS. THEY'RE JUST A SET OF PLAIN DISK IN A PAPER SLEEVE WITH ULTIMATE QUALITY CONTENT. THEY WILL PLAY ON EQUIPMENT AS STATED ABOVE. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THESE ARE REPRODUCED FROM ORIGINAL ARCHIVED MATERIALS. SOURCE OF MATERIALS ARE OLD AND SOUND AND VIDEO QUALITY MAY NOT BE ON PAR WITH MODERN MOTION PICTURES, ETC. MANY OF THE NEWSREELS ARE MISSING SOUND BUT ARE INCLUDED AS-IS SO THAT YOU MAY VIEW THESE HISTORICAL NEWSREELS. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS AS PICTURE AND SOUND QUALITY ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL AND ARE NOT A BASIS FOR ANY RETURN OR EXCHANGE. THIS IS THE ONLY COLLECTION OF IT'S KIND. HERE EXCLUSIVELY!!! ABSOLUTELY NO SALES TO DEALERS OR SELLERS We urge you to compare anywhere else. We have the highest quality at the lowest cost. Disks come no frills in paper sleeve. We ship USPS First Class Mail usually within 24 hours of cleared payment in Padded Envelopes for Maximum Protection. Disk produced and copyright 1989-2013 VW Productions. We are a legal, lawful, authorized and licensed distributor for this product from VW Productions. For private home use only. All rights reserved. No copying for resale. For copyright and other legal information please contact us. All materials have visible and invisible watermarks for copyright protection. Some materials may not be complete, missing audio or video or not up to par with modern made studio productions. Please understand this condition on vintage materials before purchase. Quality is subjective and can not be used in any dispute. NO SALES TO DEALERS OR SELLERS. LISTING and GRAPHICS COPYRIGHT 2013 EVERYTHING4LESSSTORE Sales Policy By bidding or purchasing this item you are entering into a legally binding contract to purchase the item and that you agree that you are legally bound to adhere to our terms and conditions regarding payments, returns and usage. If you do not agree to these terms then you may not purchase item. Shipping Details: Shipment will usually be made by USPS FIRST CLASS Mail with Delivery Confirmation. Orders are generally shipped the same day or next after full payment has received and/or cleared. We sell and ship domestic (USA) only. IN ORDER TO PREVENT FRAUD, WE ONLY SHIP TO THE ADDRESS ON RECORD WITH PAYMENT PROCESSOR. WE DO NOT SHIP TO ALTERNATE ADDRESSES. Payment Details: See payment options for details. 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Price: 44.99 USD

Location: West Richland, Washington

End Time: 2023-12-24T02:59:39.000Z

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Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Studio: Von Walthour

Country of Manufacture: United States

Language: English

Movie/TV Title: Universal Newsreel Collection

Region Code: DVD: 1

Rating: NR

Edition: Full Screen


Case Type: Paper Sleeve

Format: DVD


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